We started out simply by providing a service of listing metro-Detroit area mom-to-mom resale events held by neighborhood churches, schools, and moms’ clubs. At the time, there was about 20-30 sales each season. This year, we will help to advertise over 100 sales just in the spring sale season alone, and many more in the fall.
You can find sale listings right here on our site, updated almost daily, or at any of the sales that we advertise on our «Pink Lists». We have also grown into much more than an advertising service. We offer many new articles on a wide variety of topics, plus tips, quotes, recipes, and crafts every month for parents to enjoy with their children.
And thanks to our wonderful members, we are very proud of the community of moms that have come together on our very active message boards. Our members buy & sell their items between sales, plan playdates together, enjoy moms’ nights out, share advice and much-needed adult conversation, let off steam together, and so much more.
Join us on the 9th for a great event. You’ll find fabulous deals for your kids.